Oh how I dig the amazon women. Big boned country girls are my favorite to fuck. They really can take a licking and keep on ticking. So I’m always partial to them big country girls that come through. Kacee is a super tall blonde standing 5’10 with a huge juicy ass. She’s a really mellow talking country girl, but she can butt fuck like a beast. She’s got this really calm, slow kind of sexy side to her that makes her a lot of fun to fuck. I love girls with fair skin and a big jiggly ass! I take it she was probably a heavier set chick in the past that has lost a lot of weight. I don’t know about you, but it makes my sticker peck out like a mother fucker watching some chick’s ass jiggle while you plow them in the crapper. Kacee has the perfect ass for a big butt lover, trust me. Check this shit out!

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